Monday 18 May 2009

Ultrasound Finding:

  • Sometimes the liver contains multiple parent cysts in both lobes of the liver; the cyst with the thick walls occupies a different part of the liver.
  • The tissue between the cysts indicates that each cyst is a separate parent cyst and not a daughter cyst.
  • If a daughter cyst is found, it is specific for echinococcal disease.

Ultrasound Finding: 

  • On ultrasound, several patterns may occur, from a simple cyst to a complex mass with acoustic enhancement. 
  • The shape may be oval or spherical, with regularity of the walls. Calcifications may occur. 
  • Septations are very frequent and include honeycomb appearance with fluid collections; "water lily" sign, which shows a detachment and collapse of the germinal layer; or "cyst within a cyst."